Thursday, July 26, 2012

Summer Plans

So this is the summer before my first year of teaching. I'm excited for the school year to start, but I don't really want summer to end yet!

This summer I have been doing:

1) AP Summer Institute: New Statistics Teachers
I attended a 4 day workshop on teaching AP Statistics tailored towards new AP teachers. It was very informative and I suggest anyone teaching an AP class to go to these workshops! I got a textbook, tons of pre-made materials from other teachers, and won an older resource set with test questions, solution manuals, and a older version of a popular AP Stats textbook.

2) Reading Wong's The First Days of School
I am all over this book. I wish we were required to read in it my education program, perhaps during student teaching as a way to grow and even implement ideas as we read them. I'm almost through the book and I'm looking forward to my first week. I definitely recommend this to any new or veteran teacher!

3) Reading Howe's First Year Teacher
This book is not as step-by-step informative as The First Days of School, but it covers many things that happen throughout the year with tons of tips from teachers about certain events (like parent teacher conferences, curriculum night, handling prejudice, etc.). Definitely worth the read.

4) Geometry End Of Course Success Workshop
I will be attending a workshop in August about the geometry course I will be teaching and the new end of course exams that are statewide.

5) Pinning classroom ideas to my Pinboard.
I'm really finding Pinterest to be a great resource for classroom ideas, classroom management, as well as literature, activities, and units I can use in my classroom. I'm so glad to be apart of pinterest!

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